
Aquamarine is an awesome movie about two best friend to me to mermaid! This is a fun trivia to test your skills and see how much you know about aquamarine!

Are you in aquamarine genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you can only wonder. But thanks for this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Aquamarine
  1. Where is Hailey moving?
  2. What/who was aquamarine named after?
  3. After aquamarine found out that Raymond was taking Cecelia to the last splash she said "I have two new men to love!". Their names were...
  4. Where did hailey and Clair find aqua?
  5. What is Raymond's favorite drink?
  6. What is Raymond's favorite song?
  7. What is Claire afraid of?
  8. What was the name of the boat that belong to Claire's parents?
  9. What happened to Claire's parents?
  10. Who plays aquamarine?
  11. What do Clair and Haley used to bribe the band at the last splash to play Raymond's favorite song?
  12. What does aquamarine use for a phone?
  13. What does aquamarine wear for earrings?
  14. What does Haley's mom do for a living?
  15. Why did aquamarine come to the surface?
  16. What do you get if you help a mermaid?
  17. Where does aquamarine sleep?
  18. Everything Hailey and Claire know about boys comes from...
  19. What does aquamarine put in her drink when she's with Raymond?
  20. What is the first song that plays in the movie?
  21. Where do you aquamarine Haley and Claire go to buy clothes for the last splash?
  22. What is the name of the guy that tries to throw Claire into the pool?

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