Application for mechanic job in Freddy land

Sign and try, do not lose time you might come to late if so. This is the best job you could ever think of, you have free food, free ride, good pay, nice coworkers, free house, nice staff members and long breaks! What are you waiting for?

For now your coworkers are Henry Emily, Yellow Bunny, Emilia Bunny, James Adam, Eric LeBreton, Vanessa afton, Micheal afton and maybe you! If you want to learn about our compagnie story, ask James and Eric they are the Co-founder of this park. You can always ask Henry for his part of the story.

Created by: Kyoko
  1. How do you react when you see blood?
  2. How do you feel about us
  3. 3. Do you belive in rumor4. Are you naive5. Did you study mechanics? 6. Are you a gossiper7. Are you a good liar8. Are you Nice9. Are you mean10. Do you want to get this job11. Are you a Minor12. Are you a bad liar13. Do you have trauma15. Do you have any mantal illnes16. Do you have any non-treatable illness?17. Do you have any background of Drugs18. Are you ADHD19. Are you autistic20. Are you a good psychologist21. Are a kid22. Are you a tween23. Are you a teen24. Are you an young adult25. Are you an adult26. Are you an elder27. Do you have a week heart28. Are you anti social29. Are you shy in public30. Have you even been in prison31. Have you ever been framed32. Have you ever framed someone33. Have you lied while doing this quiz34. Are you dirty minded35. Are you a bad person36. Are you a quiet person37. Are you Smart38. Are you good in math39. Have you ever try to be a teacher40. Do you want this job
  4. How old are you
  5. Are you mature
  6. How many dollar do you have
  7. How many cent do you have
  8. Do you live with your parent
  9. Do you know how to use a gun
  10. What does emo stand for
  11. Yes or no

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