Apollo's Curse (part 24) ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!

Jinglebells don't moo, they quack!!!! Why would they do this when it's the last part in Apollo's Curse? They really make me mad when I have to make another quiz to tell the people who take my series about this. If this doesn't show up on the new quizzes list, then I would have to make an announcement about the announcement.

Why would they do this when it's the last part in Apollo's Curse? They really make me mad when I have to make another quiz to tell the people who take my series about this. If this doesn't show up on the new quizzes list, then I would have to make an announcement about the announcement.

Created by: DaughterOfApollo

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Stupid thing not putting the last part of my story on their new quizzes list. You guys should know what to do now.
  2. ....
  3. ....
  4. ....
  5. My tailbone still hurts and I probably look really weird when I try to get up and sit down.
  6. ....
  7. ....
  8. ....
  9. Don't forget to take part 24!! And please comment and rate on that part.
  10. Bye.

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