WhAt animal should you have??
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- What is your favorite thing to do in the day
- Play
- Run
- Sleep
- Well it's good for the body
- Which would you rather do at 3:00-5:00 pm
- Ride 4 wheelers
- Ride horses
- Play in the dirt
- You could win awards
- Which would you wear in the day
- Button up shirt, jeans,rodeo buckle, cowboy boots,hat
- Pants and t-shirt
- Anything
- Good for riding a horse in rodeo
- Which is the strongest pulling horse
- Palomino
- Thoroughbred
- Clydesdale
- Feathering
- What horse would be spotted alot
- Palomino
- Clydesdale
- Appaloosa
- Spotted
- Are you scared of a tiger
- Yes
- ???
- No
- Are you
- Which animal flyes
- Bird
- Dog
- Wolf
- It's easy
- Which animal hates land and hates people
- Crocodile
- Shark
- Dog
- Which could be a police dog
- German Shepard
- Rottweiler
- Border collie
- What is the fastest animal in the world
- Cheetah
- Elephant
- Cat