Warriors: Into the Wild
Answer Key Below
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- What apprentice name does Bluestar give Rusty?
- Flamepaw
- Firepaw
- Limefoot
- Fiddlepaw
- Limpfoot
- What is the name of the deputy who died at the very beginning of the book?
- Tigerclaw
- Redtail
- Redclaw
- Thorntail
- Reedpaw
- Which clan goes missing at the beginning of the book?
- Witherclan
- Riverclan
- Starclan
- Shadowclan
- Windclan
- What is the name of the leader of Windclan?
- Shadowjay
- Tallstar
- Onestar
- Lillyfoot
- Poppystar
- What is Firepaws warrior name?
- Fireheart
- Firefoot
- Firelimp
- Flamegorge
- Rusty
- What word is placed at the end of each leaders name when they become leader?
- Flow
- Foot
- Jay
- Star
- Leaf
- Where do the clans meet every full moon?
- Fouroaks
- Fourtrees
- Threetrees
- Highstones
- Sunningrocks
- What is Highstones - to the cats?
- A mine
- A sacred place
- Where they can go hunt
- Where warriors go for healing
- Not of importance
- What is a Thunder path?
- A ditch
- A road
- A storm
- doesn't exist
- A house
- What is a Twoleg/Upwalker/Nofur?
- A human
- A Twolegged cat
- A dog
- A kangaroo
- A random cat word