Those Funny Quotes
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- A cop made me pull over and came to my window. He said ,Papers...' I smiled and said ,Scissors! I win!' and drove off.
- LOL!
- Uh...
- Math: The only place where you buy 165 melons and no one knows why.
- LOL!
- Uh...
- Slinkies and annoying people have so many things in common... For instance: They are both so fun to watch as the tumble down the stairs.
- LOL!
- Uh...
- Did you know that ,diet' stands for Did I Eat That?
- LOL!
- Uh...
- I changed my car horn so it sounds like shot guns. People get out of my way much faster now.
- LOL!
- Uh...
- If you fart in public, just yell ,JET BOOST!' and walk faster.
- LOL!
- Uh...
- My mother always told me if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Now people wonder why I'm so quiet.
- LOL!
- Uh...
- Math: Mental Abuse To Humans.
- LOL!
- Uh...
- I will slap you so hard that not even Google will be able to find you!
- LOL!
- Uh...
- School: Six Cruel Hours Of Our Lives.
- LOL!
- Uh...
- Totally right.
- You cry, I cry. You hurt, I hurt. You laugh, I laugh. You jump off a bridge, I get in a paddle boat to save your stupid ass.
- LOL!
- Uh...
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- I'll think about it.