The Horse Family

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  1. The horse family first evolved in?
    • Asia
    • Africa
    • Ville De La Cheval
    • North America
  2. The term 'Trojan' Horse refers to someone or something mean't to....
    • aid a minor enemy to weaken a major enemy
    • defeat an enemy from within by deception
    • gallop, trot, eat hay & winnie
    • defeat an enemy using brute force
  3. Zebra's take mud bathes because....
    • it attracts insects that kill fleas
    • they are afraid of water
    • mud attracts other zebra's
    • none of the above
  4. The last remaining species of wild horse is now considered extinct in the wild....
    • True
    • False
  5. How did the small donkey's that roam the america's south west, get to america?
    • They crossed the Bering Straight during the ice age
    • They were imported by the Spanish in the 1500's
    • The stork brought them
    • They are native to north america
  6. A mule is the offspring of.....
    • Horse & Llama
    • Horse & a Pony
    • Horse & Domestic Donkey
    • Chameleon & a Wallaby
  7. Why do Zebra's have stripes?
    • Stripes help as a form of protection against predators
    • Stripes are in fashion this season
    • Stripes help attract mates
    • Stripes help Zebra's give off excessive heat
  8. In Mongolia, horses are strong symbols of national heritage...
    • True
    • False
  9. Infant horses are able to walk _____ after birth...
    • 20-22 hours
    • 10-12 hours
    • 1,222,989,000 hours
    • 1-2 hours
  10. Why did the horse go extinct in north america during the ice age?
    • Due to dramatic climate change
    • Due to the arrival of human hunters
    • None of the above
    • All of the above

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