The Evolution Quiz

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  1. True or False: Humans evolved from monkeys.
    • true
    • false
  2. What are the 3 types of natural selection?
    • stablilizing, directional, and comparative
    • stablilizing, comparative, and molecular
    • disruptive, molecular, and comparative
    • stabilizing, directional, and disruptive
  3. What is evolution?
    • the process of how animals became smarter
    • the process of animals passing inherited traits down to children to give advantages
    • a complicated word
    • a process of change in only plants over time
    • a process of change in only animals over time
  4. True or false: All mutations are disadvantagious.
    • true
    • false, there only advantagious
    • false, they dont effect individuals
    • false, they can effect or not effect individuals in many different ways
  5. True or false: Fossils and comparative anatomy are the only important evidences of evolution.
    • true
    • false, only fossils are important
    • false, comparative embriology and molecular evolution are just as important
    • false, only molecular evolution is important
  6. True or false: Charles Darwin invented evolution.
    • true
    • false, evolution was around WAY before him.
    • false, Mr. Polous invented evolution.
  7. true or false: The four points in Darwins Theory of evolution(in order) are 1)each species have more offspring than can survive 2) natural selection 3) individuals amongst species have variation and 4) variation is passed to offspring
    • true
    • false, points 3 and 4 are switched
    • false, points 2 and 3 are switched
    • false, point 2 is not a point of Darwins Theory
    • false, points 3 and 4 are not points in Darwins Theory
  8. Why are fossils not a complete record of evolution?
    • fossilization is a rare occurance and there are gaps in the chain
    • fossils arent real
    • the bones of the dinosaurs are actually rock
  9. True or flase: we all have a common ancestor.
    • true
    • false
  10. True or False: Only scientist believe in Evolution.
    • true
    • false

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