The Breakfest Club

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  1. How many people are in detention that day?
    • 4
    • 7
    • 5
    • 3
    • 2
  2. Who does John end up with at the end?
    • Clare
    • Alloson
  3. What does John's locker say on it?
    • "Dont open this locker"
    • "Open this locker and you die fag!!!"
    • "You are a loser"
    • "Im a bad person"
  4. Why is Andrew in detention?
    • He got a bad grade
    • He swore at a teacher
    • He taped Someones but cheeks together
    • He beat up a kid
  5. True or False. There is alot of swearing in this movie?
    • False
    • True
  6. When was this movie made?
    • 1899
    • 1909
    • 1985
    • 1970
    • 1966
    • 1979
  7. Who is the nerd in this movie?
    • Brian
    • John
    • Clare
    • Andrew
    • Alloson
  8. What does Clare do to Alloson at the end of the movie?
    • Puts make up on her
    • Slaps her
    • Swears at her
  9. Fill in the blank. "Your old man and my old man should get together and go _________."
    • Swimming
    • To the Army
    • Bowling
    • Fishing
  10. What does Clare give John at the end of the movie?
    • A necless
    • An earing
    • A high five

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