Minecraft Ultimate Quiz
Answer Key Below
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- What is the minecraft most hard block
- Obsidian
- Bedrock
- Soul Sand
- End Stone
- What is the best sword in minecraft?
- Netherite Sword
- Diamond Sword
- Golden Sword
- Wooden Sword
- Iron Sword
- What is the most dangerous mob in all of minecraft?
- Charged Creeper
- Wither Skeleton
- Enderman
- Ender Dragon
- Wither
- What is the scariest mob in minecraft?
- Notch
- Entity 303
- Herobrine
- Steve
- Alex
- What do you need to tame a mutant wolf?
- Steak
- Rotten Flesh
- Spawn Egg
- Sword
- Bone
- Puppy
- Pickaxe
- Shovel
- Which item do you need to prevent fall damage?
- Lava
- Splash Potion Of Leaping
- Cat
- Twisting Vines
- Bed
- What is the cutest mob in minecraft?
- Panda
- Fox
- Cat
- Dog
- Chicken
- Horse
- What do you need to do when zombies are following you?
- Put your door in opening position
- Run until the zombies are not following you
- Kill them
- Ask for help
- What do you need to bring on your adventure when you are in the nether?
- Sword, Shield, Armor
- Obsidian, Flint and Steel, Sword, Shield, Armor, Dog
- Cat, Sword, Shield, Armor, Flint and Steel
- What do you need to bring when you see a creeper?
- Panda
- Cat
- Fox
- Chicken
- Nothing