Islamic quiz game
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- In isha how many rakat namaz should be offer ?
- 12
- 14
- 18
- 16
- In which mouth haji went gor hajj ?
- Moharram
- Zil-Hijja
- Rabi-awwal
- Eid
- How many names are there of Allah ?
- 100
- 97
- 99
- unlimited
- Which namaz we offer specilly in the mouth of Ramadan ?
- Zuhar
- Magrib
- Isha
- Taraweeb
- With which thing Genil are made of ?
- Fire
- Mud
- Water
- Air
- With Which thing Human are made of
- Fire
- Mud
- Water
- Air
- What we have to sai before eating food or someting
- Inshallah
- Mashallah
- Bismillah
- alhumdulillha
- Who was the Last Prophet in World
- Hazrat Ibrahim
- Hazrat Moosa
- Hazrat Yuus
- Hazrat Adam
- Hazrat Muhammad mustafa
- Hazdart Yunus
- in which languege quran shraif revealed
- English
- Urdu
- Arbic
- Hindi
- Farsi
- Other
- How many door is in Hell ?
- 5
- 8
- 7
- 9
- How many door is in jannat ?
- 5
- 8
- 1
- 9
- 2
- 4