Answer Key Below
Below you can find the answers to "Dylan............." -- scroll down to find which ones you got wrong. Then be sure to explore all of GoToQuiz!
- Gambling is?
- Attractive
- Addictive
- How many friends do you have?
- i dont have friends
- i have friends
- i have fake friends
- Dylane the...?
- phone
- prep
- whats wrong with you?
- everything
- other
- do you scream OoOoOOOOOH!
- Yes
- No?
- Are you smart?
- No
- Yes
- Where do you live
- A house...
- Orphanage bc nobody adopted me at the adoption center so they moved me here
- what do you look like
- A prep
- i look my age
- Do you embarass yourself?
- I dance and scream OOOHOHOO!
- no
- Dylan
- Dylane
- no