Do you really know your best friend?
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- What is Toni's favorite color?
- Black
- Blue
- Green
- Purple
- Pink
- Beige
- Hello you should know this!
- What is Toni's myspace name?
- toniyoufool
- lovemelol5665
- crazyanhiper5665
- cantbeatthis5665
- mothernaturetoni
- toniokaylosers?
- of course you should know that GOsH!
- When is Toni's Birthday?
- May 15
- May 23
- May 24
- May 17
- May 18
- May 16
- If you paid attention at school you would know this!
- How many pets does Toni have?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- none
- comment
- What is Toni's middle name?
- Shae
- Robben
- Katy
- Elizabeth
- Michelle
- Marie
- I've said this on more than one occasion!
- What's Toni's favorite icecream flavor?
- Chocolate
- Strawberry
- Cookies&Cream
- Birthday Cake
- Cookie Dough
- Coffee
- if you get this right you would be very lucky!
- What is Toni's favorite thing to get at starbucks?
- Hot Cocoa
- Frappichino
- Strawberries and Cream Frappichino
- Grande Latte
- Hot Cocoa w/ extra whipped cream
- she doesnt go to starbucks
- yummmm
- What vegetable does Toni hate the most?
- spinach
- green beans
- corn
- peas
- potatoes
- sweet potatoes
- i hate them!
- What is Toni's lucky number?
- 1
- 5
- 3
- 12
- 17
- 24
- comment
- How many sisters does Toni have?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- i have 1 that doesnt live w/ me
- How old will Toni be turning in two years
- 14
- 15
- 12
- 13
- 16
- 17 obviously NOT!
- duH!
- What is Toni's favorite chinese food item?
- egg roll
- fortune cookie
- chicken and broccoli
- boneless spare ribs
- moo goo gi pan ( spelling not correct )
- she doesnt like chinese
- i eat it all the time
- What does Toni always order at Mannys?
- Southwest chicken
- Ribs
- salad
- soup
- manny special steak
- burritos
- comment
- What animal is Toni most afraid of?
- dog
- shark
- tiger
- snake
- spider
- ant
- they can kill me!
- Friend question... Who was my first friend at DSA?
- Madison
- Halie
- Steven
- Heather
- Mikayla
- Taylor
- 5th grade ppl!
- What name would I most likely name my children (when I get older)
- Kara
- Carley
- Sierra
- Emily
- Megan
- Shikira
- Ha nobody is going to answer this right because you probably put Emily but HA! I've decied I dont like that one and I like Shikira better no gushy stuff now!
- What is my favorite friend
- Hannah
- Jacky
- Taylor
- Mariah
- Shikira
- NONE of the above
- because you are all equally awsome to me!