Do you really know your best friend?

There are many friends out there. Good friends, great friends, and friends who last forever. But you can't be a frined withou knowing the scoop can you?

This quiz will determine whether a not your a good friend, a great friend, or a friend that lasts forever. So take Toni's quiz and see what you are to her!

Created by: Toni
  1. What is Toni's favorite color?
  2. What is Toni's myspace name?
  3. When is Toni's Birthday?
  4. How many pets does Toni have?
  5. What is Toni's middle name?
  6. What's Toni's favorite icecream flavor?
  7. What is Toni's favorite thing to get at starbucks?
  8. What vegetable does Toni hate the most?
  9. What is Toni's lucky number?
  10. How many sisters does Toni have?
  11. How old will Toni be turning in two years
  12. What is Toni's favorite chinese food item?
  13. What does Toni always order at Mannys?
  14. What animal is Toni most afraid of?
  15. Friend question... Who was my first friend at DSA?
  16. What name would I most likely name my children (when I get older)
  17. What is my favorite friend

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Quiz topic: Do I really know my best friend?