Catholic Trivia 2
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- What are the names of the Four Gospels in Scripture?
- Mark, Luke, John and Paul
- Matthew, Luke, John and Paul
- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
- Matthew, Mark, Timothy and John
- The Four Gospels tells us about the Life of Christ
- What are the corporal works of mercy?
- Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, harbour the harbourless, visit the sick, ransom the captive, and bury the dead.
- Instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, admonish sinners, bear wrongs patiently, forgive offences willingly, comfort the afflicted, pray for both the living and the dead.
- The word "corporal" refers to the human body, so things we do to help people physically are corporal works of mercy.
- How many natures does Jesus have?
- One -- He is God only.
- One -- He is Man only.
- Two -- He is both God and Man.
- Jesus is said to be One Person with Two Natures -- One Divine and the other Human.
- What is the Blessed Trinity?
- The three most famous Apostles.
- One God in Three Persons.
- Three Gods in One Person.
- The Blessed Trinity is One God in Three Persons -- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- What is the Acts of the Apostles?
- The name of a famous catechism.
- The Fifth Book of the New Testament.
- A history book about the Apostles.
- The Acts of the Apostles is a Book of Scripture which tells some of the Acts of some of the Apostles.
- What is a dogma?
- A truth about faith and morals which has been revealed by God.
- A rule that we follow but that can be changed.
- A speech given by a pope or another bishop.
- A dogma of the Church is a teaching that is always held as true and can never be changed. Not everything a pope or bishop says is a dogma.
- Do people ever become angels?
- Yes, when good people die they become angels.
- No. Angels were created by God and will always be angels. People cannot become angels.
- People are called to become saints. People who die and go to heaven are called "saints", not angels.
- Can the Saints in heaven see and hear us?
- Yes. The Saints can see and hear us and they can pray for us to God at His throne.
- No. People who have died cannot see or hear anyone on earth.
- In the Book of Hebrews 12:1, St. Paul speaks of those who have died before us and gone to heaven as a "cloud of witnesses". Since they are witnesses of us, they can see and hear us.
- What is a "Doctor of the Church"?
- The Pope's doctor who takes care of him when he is sick.
- A special name given by the Church to those who were great teachers of the Catholic Faith.
- There are many Doctors of the Church but two of the most famous are St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Teresa of Avila.
- Do the popes ever sin?
- Yes, all of the popes have been sinners and must confess their sins to a priest just as we do.
- No, the pope cannot commit a sin.
- Some people think that because the pope is a sinner, he cannot teach the Truth without error, but we know that even sinners can teach the truth and that God has promised that the Church would be free from error on teaching.