Boring Math Quiz
Answer Key Below
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- 1+1=?
- Ummm... 2?
- 11. Im sure of it.
- It equals "?
- 7977 x 0= ?
- How would I know?
- 7977
- 0. Duhhhhh
- 0.0000000000000000007977
- Okay, you seem smart. Now im gunna get on your nerves. 74837824783274872+5?
- Ummm...
- 74837824783274877????
- I dunno.
- 338274832748
- Y+1.5=6.
- 6
- 5
- 4
- 5.5
- 4.6
- 4.5
- 8x8=?
- Ummm...
- I say... 88?
- 64?
- 44?
- 56?
- 0?
- How many f's in this sentance?
"The fisherman fished the fishing frog?"
- 4?
- Ummm...4.000007?
- 1?
- 5?
- 3?
- 5.5?
- What score do you think you got on this math quiz?
- 100%
- 50%
- 1%
- 0%. Im dum dum gum gum.
- Ummmmmm... Does this count?
- A little girl from capetown south africa went pear picking. It was a very big orchard. She examened each fruit closely and picked 5 baskets. Each basket held 10 pears. How many pears did she pick overall?
- None.
- 40
- 500
- 50
- 1
- There is no fruit in africa!
- How big is the earth in kilometers?
- The Earth is the fifth largest planet of the solar system, it has an equatorial circumference of 24,902 mi (40,076 km). Its total surface area is roughly 197,000,000 sq mi (509,600,000 sq km), of which about 29% is land.
- Well obviously it is 200km.
- About 13 000km.
- This math test is getting boring.
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Dissagree
- Strongly Dissagree
- You are looking smart today. Okay, what do you measure farm animals, (But mostly horses)in?
- Feet
- Meters
- Hands
- Legs
- Noses
- Fingers
- 9x9=?
- 80?
- 71?
- 81?
- Ummm... 99?
- This is too easy. Right? How many days does it take for the moon to revolve aroung the earth once?
- 30
- 80
- 365
- 27
- 29
- 100
- Okay. You got me. Lets see your results.
- Okay.
- OOOO! I hope I got 100%...