Awsome Quiz of Awsome
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- who's that pokemon?
- pikachu
- purple
- wimple
- chimchar
- chicken little
- Ew... Pokemon?
- It's not the last one.
- Can I has cookies nao?
- Yas yoo can has cookies nao!
- No bad jew!
- LuL wut?
- Jelly wobbly yuayz
- yes.
- Iunno Cans u?
- No Comment!
- Can I has cookies nao?
- Yas yoo can has cookies nao!
- No bad jew!
- LuL wut?
- Jelly wobbly yuayz
- yes.
- Iunno Cans u?
- No Comment!
- What is the capital of Acidia?
- Acid...
- I love Eggs.
- A
- B
- Cidia
- What is the theory of relitivity?
- I dunno?
- Steven hawking
- The theory that you only tell your relatives.
- Bunny
- A theory, that's quite relative, Duh'!
- OR opposite of the option above
- I like Turtles. And BUNNYIES!!!
- What is awsome sauce?
- tomato
- bbq
- mustard
- mayonaise
- spooge
- mummy juice
- What is awsome sauce?
- tomato
- bbq
- mustard
- mayonaise
- spooge
- mummy juice
- What is the main character in mariokart?
- Mario
- Bowser
- Your mum
- Spooge
- Snoopy
- Mr Old Damn Dirty Jew
- this is a trick question...Not....Maybe....AWSOME SAUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Move faster pokeie is a quote from?
- Cloud8745
- Luiz Prower
- Face
- Deceased Crab
- Proton JonSA
- Superman
- What colour is my hair???
- brown
- black
- blonde
- Ranga
- Purple
- Puppy Party!!!