Awsome Quiz of Awsome

Are you awsome enough to conquor the awsome sauce mountain that stands before you? Umm... I gotta fit more letters in, lol, there once was a cabbage, that nobody liked, and that cabbagewent on to beocme michael jackson

How awsome are you? Are you actually a nub? made a paper airplane, flew it around, then the plane was gone. Just like my mind, but there never was a paper plane anyway.

Created by: Boner
  1. who's that pokemon?
  2. Can I has cookies nao?
  3. Can I has cookies nao?
  4. What is the capital of Acidia?
  5. What is the theory of relitivity?
  6. What is awsome sauce?
  7. What is awsome sauce?
  8. What is the main character in mariokart?
  9. Move faster pokeie is a quote from?
  10. What colour is my hair???

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