are you as smart as a middle school sudent
Answer Key Below
Below you can find the answers to "are you as smart as a middle school sudent" -- just scroll down and find which ones you got wrong. Then you can explore the rest of the site.
- What is normal fault
- when the foot wall is bigger than the revurse wall
- when the reverse wall is bigger than the foot wall
- which of the following in a middle school book
- of mice and men
- Tom swayer
- Dracula
- Lord of the flys
- the grapes of wrath
- Crash
- where to comets come from
- saturn
- the sun
- keipers belt
- asteriod feild
- pluto
- solar flares
- what is the final stage of our sun
- white dwarth
- black dwarth
- black hole
- super nova
- nebula
- the H-R diagram measures what
- meteors
- history
- stars
- weather
- nebulas
- soil and rocks
- what was the battle in the revolutonary war where the americans attacked the hessians
- bunker hill
- gettysburg
- bull run
- trenton
- yorktown
- concord
- what country help the americans win the revolutinary war
- france
- spain
- england
- russia
- canada
- what dose the elements chlorine and sodium combine to make
- gas
- salt
- sugar
- baking soda
- what helped the americans relize that the articals of confederation where bad
- the war of 1812
- shays rebelion
- the farmers rebelion
- the state rebelion
- state currency
- what branch of govorment creats laws for the U.S.
- executive
- judical
- legislative
- who was the first to get a probe in space
- U.S.
- Russia
- England
- China
- Japan
- when did neil armstrong land on the moon
- july 20 1969
- oct 3 1953
- feb 24 1969
- mar 2 1954
- july 19 1969
- who was george washingtons vice president
- benjamin franklin
- samual adams
- jhon adams
- thomas jefferson
- what are hessians
- german mercinaries
- special british soilders
- a modern day military
- a group of scientists
- how many senators does each state have
- 2
- 1
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 10
- wich of the following is not a scientist
- galloleio
- newton
- haliey
- robert
- what is a word for every thing that is
- evrything
- universe
- quantom
- galaxy
- what is an example of a dipthong
- ai
- dge
- scr
- e=mc*
- que
- which president was the first to die in office
- georgr washington
- aberham lincon
- john adams
- richard nixon
- what bone does the wale have in its body that is no longer in use
- skull
- ribs
- femur
- foot
- who was the father of the decloration of indipendance
- john hancock
- benjamin franklinh
- isac newton
- thomas jefferson
- jhon adams
- who shot the first bullet of the revolutinary war
- americans
- british
- george washington
- ?
- what is not a branch of EARTH science
- paylentology
- astronomy
- meteorology
- ocenography
- feildology
- weather
- which of the following planets was going to become a star but did not collect the exact a mount of energy
- Earth
- Mars
- Uranis
- Jupier
- Saturn
- Venus
- earth is the only planet with water
- true
- false