Are you a therian?
Answer Key Below
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- Do you feel connected towards animal(s)?
- Yes!
- No
- Kinda
- Okay, have you ever thought how nice it would be to become an animal(s)?
- Yeah!
- Nah
- A bit
- Have you ever felt the urge to do animal things? (Vocals, hop, go on all fours, etc)
- Yep!
- Nah
- Do you feel spiritually, (mentally maybe), and psychologically like an animal? But deep down you know your physically a human?
- Mhm!
- Nope!
- Why did you take this quiz?
- Idk
- For fun
- I was curious
- Cool! Do you think you belong in a certain habitat besides a house? (Forest, river, desert, ect)
- Yeah...
- No?
- Have you ever thought you might be a therian?
- Mhm
- No...
- Okay, bye!
- Bye.
- Goodbye!
- Wait! Before you go, are you a...zoo?!?! >:(
- Uhm, what’s a zoo?
- Yeah
- Okay, okay. Leave if your a z-
- BYE!! (Good, you better leave you stupid zoo)
- I’m not leaving, I ain’t a zoo!
- WHATS A ZOO-?!?!