Another Original Pee Scenarios Quiz

This is a part 2 of my other "An Original Pee Scenarios Quiz" a choose your own adventure styled quiz. Here is a new one that's longer and has more paths.

If you choose the right things, you may even end up being someone in my first one. Remember to do what the answers say, no matter what. There are no results, so it's whatever.

Created by: Gamer_Champ
  1. BEFORE YOU BEGIN THE QUIZ READ THE PARAGRAPHS ABOVE!!! You wake up in the morning and REALLY have to pee. What do you do?
  2. You're in the middle of brushing your teeth when you start peeing. You try to head over to the toilet, but it all flows out.
  3. You get to the bathroom and go to the toilet. You do your morning routine.
  4. You decide to just relax and pee the bed. You get up, do you change the sheets?
  5. You go to eat breakfast and you are wondering what you'll do today.
  6. You invite 3 of your friends over. 2 of your friends agree and a few hours later, you're ready to go. Do you go to the bathroom before you leave?
  7. You're driving and you are starting to regret your lack of bathroom use. What do you do?
  8. You've been searching for 10 minutes and no place has a bathroom. (It's illegal to pee on the sidewalk/road)
  9. You arrive at the mountain in peed pants. Your friends are wondering what happened.
  10. You arrive at the mountain. Your friends are there and you REALLY need to pee.
  11. You can't find a place and you pee yourself...
  12. You go on and enjoy your hike. The end!
  13. You're about to lose it in your pants on the hike!
  14. You don't need to pee when you leave, but you are bursting when you get to the mall.
  15. You arrive at the bathroom, but there are only 2 and the one that is your gender is closed.
  16. You peed yourself in front of the bathroom.
  17. You've been shopping and now you think you're about to explode!
  18. You're running towards the bathrooms when you trip and pee all over. (Go to question 19)
  19. So you've peed yourself. What now?
  20. You arrive at the resturaunt. What do you order?
  21. You chug the drink, but you bladder wasn't prepared. It hits you like an asteroid and there's a river flowing into your pants within seconds. Everyone is looking at you. What do you do?
  22. You enjoy your meal. You hang out for a few minutes. You need to pee, but it's not that bad. You watch as someone comes into the restaurant and gets into a long line for the bathroom. It looks like they really need to pee, and as soon as they get to the front of the line, they stop and fully pee into their pants.

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