PLEASE TAKE!!! Important information regarding my other quiz "Do you know The Hunger Games as well as I do." This is important so please read. May the odds be ever in your favor!

PLEASE TAKE!!! Important information regarding my other quiz "Do you know The Hunger Games as well as I do." This is important so please read. May the odds be ever in your favor! Thanks!

Created by: Ravenclaw297

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hey guys! A lot of you took my quiz "Do you know The Hunger Games as well as I do."
  2. And I said that I would add 5 really difficult questions if I got 150 people to take it.
  3. And by this point I have had over 170 people take it.
  4. However, since my quiz made the front page- the website won't let me edit it.
  5. So- I will add these questions. Just in a seperate quiz.
  6. This quiz will be called "Do you know The Hunger Games as well as I do Part Two."
  7. I should have it done by Friday, May 11.
  8. I'm sorry for any trouble this may have caused you.
  9. So, I will get that out A.S.A.P.
  10. And since you guys are waiting this long- I may add more than 5 questions.
  11. Thanks to you guys for getting me on the front page!

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