animal jam what themed look should you have

what theme should your look be themed find out with this quiz. are you ready for a hard quiz. but the quiz is worth it. it will tell you what theme your look should be.

the possible results are rare themed look fancy themed look fierce themed look and nature themed look. there are 10 qustions. the qustions are hard. but the quiz is worth takeing.

Created by: angelica
  1. first question do you like to trade?
  2. what do you perfer?
  3. your in the pillow room why are you there?
  4. you see a famous jammer what do you do?
  5. memes or no memes?
  6. whats better?
  7. what items do you like
  8. what animal do you have as a main animal?
  9. battles or peace
  10. last question are you a non member or a member?

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Quiz topic: Animal jam what themed look should I have

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