Animal Facts and Trivia

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Howdy! Hope you know a lot about animals! I'm sorry if this quiz gets a bit offensive. Tell me your score in the comments! :D :D :D Wolves foxes coyotes dogs dholes

wolves foxes dogs dholes African wild dogs hyenas lions gazelles giraffe crow eagle vulture penguin bear cats horses sheep pigs ducks geese cow buffalo parrot

Created by: FennecWolfie_Paw
  1. Maned Wolves are _________
  2. Which is a subspecies of Wolf?
  3. What is a reason Wolves are becoming endangered?
  4. What's the main reason Panda's are becoming endangered?
  5. Bears hibernate at ______
  6. When do Buffalo start mating season?
  7. You've seen the word pelt in this quiz, so what does that even mean?
  8. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  9. Are you sure??? :D
  10. Last question, wait there is no last question.. sorry for waisting your time!

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