Angel or Phycopath?

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Be honest with yourself. Trust me, no one will get this: Hello, my name is Ultimate Phycopath! Or at least I hope not. Just dont lie in here, okay? Good! Let's go!

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Created by: Solomon
  1. To me, a success is anything I can get away with.
  2. I am a pickpocket.
  3. I do a lot of things behind my families backs.
  4. I have never spoken a cuss word on purpose. (If you've done it by accident, no worries, it doesn't count.)
  5. I've snuck things to myself without permission more than 10 times in my life (Don't count, just guess using your "right off the bat" memory).
  6. I can swear this oath without saying one lie: "I, (state your name), have not backtalked to any superior adult and have always respected and obeyed my parents."
  7. I am a total cycopath.
  8. For me, I can do whatever I want as long as (I think) no one is looking.
  9. I always tell the truth, and when I do lie, its not to get what I want.
  10. I am my moms little angel

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