Angel Demon or Nephalim

What are you evil good both. cause biening evil is awsome. having a sword no one can carry but u is cool. and you great if you both good and evil.There are lotsof things to tell what you are.

Sup people so do yo like scary things godly things or both. do you wonder if your angelic demonic or both well this quiz will tell you so im tellin you find out what you are.

Created by: Autumn

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats ur fav color
  2. what music do yo like
  3. what weopon would you like
  4. what animal do yo want
  5. what do you like to do
  6. what power would you want
  7. what are you
  8. what kind of books do yo like
  9. what kind of movie do you like
  10. what do you want to be

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