Ancient Egypt Quiz

This quiz is an overview of the topic of Ancient Egypt. This quiz is also used to measure your level of undertstanding of the topic of Ancient Egypt! To have excelled in this quiz, it means that your understanding of Ancient Egypt is amazing!

So do you have the guts to try this quiz? Do you want to know if you are an Ancient Egypt whiz? Try it out to see where you stand! So what are you waiting for! Click on it and start on the quiz!

Created by: suzaina Sudaman
  1. What is the main purpose of this website?
  2. Most people of Ancient Egypt were working as________?
  3. Ancient Egypt is divided into 2 parts. And they are___________?
  4. The God of the Earth is God________?
  5. What was the main type of writing used in Ancient Egypt?
  6. What funerary custom did the Ancient Egyptians use?
  7. What was the main function of the temples in Ancient Egypt?
  8. The most powerful person in Ancient Egypt was_________?
  9. What does the God Osiris represent?
  10. The Red Land provided Ancient Egypt.

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