An Undertale Quiz

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Hey, welcome to my quiz! I'm addicted to Undertale, and have spent a lot more time then I should at the game, so I wanted to make a quiz! This is just random information about the game, but I'll probably make more quizzes with certain topics! Hope you enjoy!

I need a second paragraph but I have no idea what to write so hi how are you today I am an idiot what am I doing with my life okay this should be enough characters have a good day

Created by: A Random Idiot
  1. How is Mettaton related to Napstablook?
  2. How can you skip Mad Dummy's fight (in a Pacifist/Neutral Route)?
  3. Who is the only monster who won't kill you?
  4. Who is the first monster you get in a fight with?
  5. What is the first human's TRUE name?
  6. Who turned Asriel into a flower?
  7. What is the first message you get in red text in the Genocide Route?
  8. How do you open the Mysterious Door?
  9. How Many Ways Is There To Spare Ice Cap?
  10. Who is the last monster you kill in the Genocide Route?
  11. How did Chara die?
  12. How much does it cost for Temmie to go to "coolleg"?
  13. Does anything happen if you wait in the room Toriel told you to wait in?

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