An actually hard dragon ball quiz (DB through DBS)

This is a quiz for only the biggest Dragon Ball Fans and Experts, I've scoured the series for little details that you might've missed. Good Luck Z Warriors!

(Don't Read, Just filler Text) Just a little while ago I think the current events are definitely hard for me and I don't know how to do it but I think

Created by: David
  1. What character from Dragon Ball uses the Go-Go Gum attack?
  2. What is Master Roshi's alter ego at the World Martial Arts Tournament?
  3. What does Gohan do in highschool to follow Videl to a crime scene?
  4. What is the name of Hercule and Buu's dog?
  5. Who does Master Roshi give prize money from the Tournament for water in Dragon Ball?
  6. What does Monaka's name mean?
  7. Who hired Hit to assassinate Goku?
  8. How does Frost defeat Goku and Piccolo in the Universe 6 v 7 exhibition?
  9. In what order do the Z fighters die against Nappa?
  10. How does Goku die in Trunks' timeline?

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