American Political Party and Faction Quiz

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This quiz will help you to get a sense where you're ideologically positioned within the Democratic and Republican Parties in the United States and their respective internal factions.

You can answer questions on all major policy areas of American politics and find out which party and faction within the party you lean towards the most.

Created by: Peter Pulheim
  1. Do you favor or oppose the legalization of same-sex marriage?
  2. What is your position on abortion?
  3. Do you think gun laws should be stricter?
  4. What size and role should government have?
  5. Do you favor the death penalty for murder?
  6. What should be done with regards to defense spending?
  7. What should broadly be done about taxes?
  8. Do you generally support or oppose being tough on crime?
  9. Do you support school vouchers?
  10. Should government pay for tuition at four-year colleges and universities?
  11. Should the corporate tax be raised or lowered?
  12. Should the budget be balanced?
  13. What should be done about government spending?
  14. Should funding for public education be increased?
  15. Do you support the legalization of marijuana?
  16. What should be done about legal immigration?
  17. What should be done about border security?
  18. Is it more important to provide paths to citizenship for illegal immigrants or to provide more border security?
  19. What should be done about climate change?
  20. What should be done about environmental regulations?
  21. Should funding for public transportation be increased?
  22. What should be done about health care?
  23. Should the U.S. continue to support Israel?
  24. Do you support gay couples having the same adoption and parenting rights as straight couples?
  25. Do you support or oppose the Black Lives Matter movement (not the phrase or organization)?
  26. Should the minimum wage be raised or lowered?
  27. What should be done with regards to welfare?
  28. What is your position on labor unions?
  29. What should be America's guiding principle when it comes to foreign policy?

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