Amazing Warriors she-cats love story!!!

Hello! This is my first quiz, So if it's bad I'm really sorry. You might want to have more than five minutes on your hands cause THIS COULD TAKE A WHILE...

Anyhoo I hope you enjoy and are satisfied with your result.I made an effort to make every variety of an answer for those who just can't decide on just one tom.

Created by: Amberdust193
  1. You yawn and open your eyes. The nursery is still dark. You hear something rustle outside. You wake up your brother, Whisperkit. " _____kit? What is it?" "I heard something outside!" you hiss. He groans, but gets up and stumbles out of the nursery. As you peek out the entrance, you trip over Whiperkit's tail. You collapse in bundle of fur. "Shhhhhhhh!" he breathes. You look around camp. There's nothing there! You...
  2. ( If you tell a warrior, they raise the alarm and send a patrol out. If you tell your mother, she tells Oakstar, your father, and they send a patrol out. If you send out Whisperkit he raises the alarm. If you curl back into your nest, nothing happens. If you go out of camp, you're caught by the dawn patrol.) It turns out it was a fox. Oakstar sends out a battle patrol to drive it away. You...
  3. (If you choose to stay in camp, you get bored and decide to join that patrol! In any way, you sneak out of camp with Whisperkit because he won't let you do this on your own.) As you follow the patrol's scent, you hear a commotion ahead. You hide beneath a bush. It's not one fox the patrol is up against, it's TWO!!! 80 Your clanmates stand no chance! The foxes have the upper hand!! 80 You....
  4. Eventually, whether you tell your clanmates or not, help arrives. The foxes have been defeated. Back at camp, Oakstar made you and Whisperkit apprentices!!! Woohoo! But Whisperpaw is training to become a med cat! You...
  5. A new warriors named Winterfall walks up to you. "hey, congrats." another tom, Springpaw , says,"It will be nice to have another apprentice in the den. I think med cats sleep inside the medicine den." You nod your agreement. As you walk over to the freshkill pile , you see a new tom. He's a sleek brown tabby. He walks over to you." hi," he mumbles. " I'm Clearmoon, Winterfall's brother. Want to share a vole with me?" You..
  6. Many moons later, you are a warrior, charging into battle! Shadowclan is keeping Whisperlight hostage! Who is on your patrol?
  7. You charge into Shadowclan's camp! The battle is brutal, but you free Whisperlight! A quarter moon later, Oakstar dies. You greive for almost a moon. Who comforts you?
  8. You are on a hunting patrol when you see and scent a rogue. She's stealing your prey!!! She looks pretty scrawny, though...What do you do???
  9. (In any way, you carry her prey and escort her off the territory. If you attack, she fights back and you see she's a formidable fighter. You offer her a place in the clan and she declines.) Heading back to camp, you hear Springstar call a clan meeting. Your mother is moving to the elders den. You.....
  10. After a couple moons of your mother being in the elder's den, you're getting your first apprentice! The kits ready are Lightkit, Hopekit, and Orchidkit. Who would you prefer?
  11. Clearmoon asks you to come into the forest with him after the ceremony. He confesses he's loved you since he met you. You're speechless.Then Winterfall does the same. Speechless again.Then Springstar. Still speechless.When you go back to camp, your head is whirling. Who to choose?You call all the toms back to the forest. When you tell them they all said they liked you, they stalk off . You go after one tom to tell him his love is returned. Which tom?But all at different times, so none of them know about the other's confession.
  12. That is the end of this chapter in the story. Have a nice day!

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