Am i your type of girl?

When u r taking this quiz u r trying to see if u would be a match to me..... soo u trying to be more like me c ya later bye bye now im just trying to get atleast 150 words

Would u be a good match for me?? take this quiz to find out.... I hope if u r cute then u should take this quiz but not if u r a nerd if we matched that would be embarassing:)

Created by: kelsey nicole
  1. You like girls with which color eyes?
  2. Your like girls with what color hair????
  3. Where would you like to go on a date?
  4. How tall should i be??
  5. How much should i weigh??
  6. Where should i buy my clothes at?
  7. what is ur fav color?
  8. whould u text me every nite?
  9. What is your fav car?
  10. Did i ask good questions on this quiz?
  11. Do you like sports if so which ones?

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Quiz topic: Am i my type of girl?