Am I really seeing things?

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This may not be 100% accurate for you, only about 60% of people will get it perfectly. if you have any questions about it for things I could add- text (463) 210-5360 and I'll try my best to give you an answer

Look- I'm only twelve so don't blow up my phone with hate comments. I'm talking to all of those boomers and Karens btw! And- now forgive me while I try to make this quiz accurate- heh----I'm working on it----

Created by: Table Chair-Lemur
  1. Do you believe in spirits, wishes, ghosts, demons, and other things?
  2. Am I just doing this because I'm a wimp who can't impress their friends?
  3. Do you feel the need to communicate with family members who passed?
  4. do you believe you can speak to the dead?
  5. Is your house empty?
  6. are you scared of seeing things?
  7. Do you recently look at these quizzes?
  8. do you want to be able to feel, touch, and communicate to ghosts and Demons?
  9. do you feel like somebody's always watching you? are you paranoid?
  10. how do you think you'll do?

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