Am I Ready To Date Someone?

I swear... I know what I'm talking about. My answers to your "Am I ready to date?" questions ARE correct. So come on down and take this quiz. It's tricky, I admit, but IT, IS, CORRECT. It's the best that you'll ever get.

Please answer this quiz naturedly for the best result possible, as well as maturely accept the vocabulary within said articles. So just get ready to be blown away at how impressed your date will be at how nicely you treat her... unless they themselves are immature.

Created by: Joe Darkfire

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When you and your date enter into the place you're dating in and approach the door, what do you do?
  2. What do you say to the waiter?
  3. If your date wants to sit where you're sitting, what do you do?
  4. When your date orders their food and you're asked what you want, what do you do?
  5. How do you chew your food on the date?
  6. What should you say if the waiter asks if you want desert?
  7. Your date says when you're back at home on your porch under a starry sky, "Tonight was fun." What do you say back?
  8. Your date leans in to kiss you! WHAT DO YOU DO????!!!!
  9. You two meet up at school the next day. What do you do?
  10. One day, once you two have dated for the 250th time, what MAY, I repeat, MAY you ask her?

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