Am I ready for a pet?

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A short quiz to see if your ready for a pet!If you need a way to show your parents you are ready for a pet!I know how it feels to REALLY want a pet.For example I want two tabby cats.I just have to see if I am respondisiple enough to have them.

GoToQuiz is my favorite website for taking quizes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I wish you good luck and I hope you LOVE this quiz!!!Remeber that GoToQuizs has new quizs EVERYDAY!!

Created by: Kylie
  1. Are you older than 18?
  2. Do you have an averge amount of money?
  3. Do you have a LOT of free time?
  4. Can you commit to something,and keep your commitment? Be honest:)
  5. Do your parents think your ready for one?
  6. Have you figured out what pet you want?
  7. Do you have a lot of space in your house?
  8. Do you understand you have to take it to the vet,every so often?
  9. Have you had a pet before?
  10. Finally-Do you think your ready???? BE TOTALLY HONEST!!!!

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