Am I in love with Tobio Kageyama?

This is a quiz to see if you are truly in love with Tobio Kageyama. I rlly hope you're here for a reason and not just for fun because this is a very serious quiz.

Good luck and if you fail I'll steal your knee caps. You must prove you're love to him to keep them, but don't out love me because I love Tobio the most and don't forget it.

Created by: Mrs. Kageyama
  1. Do you think about Kags everyday?
  2. Are you jealous of Hinata?
  3. Have you ever dreamt of him?
  4. Have any of your social media usernames or profile pictures ever had anything to do with Kageyama?
  5. Have you ever read a Kags x Reader fan fiction?
  6. Have you ever cosplayed him?
  7. Do you own anything with kageyama on it or anything that has to do with him?
  8. Have you ever edited or drawn yourself into a picture with him?
  9. Do you talk about him to your friends and family?
  10. Have you had a crush on someone specifically because they resembled Tobio in the slightest?

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