Am I good at basketball

There are lots of basketball players in the world. Some good some terrible and others can dominate their competition. Do you think you're good then take this quiz.

In this quiz I expect you to answer every question honestly. If you don't play basketball or you know you already know that that you suck at basketball this quiz is not for you Made by DeMario Whitley

Created by: DeMario Whitley

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Can you do a layup
  2. Can you shoot from mid range
  3. Lets talk threes
  4. Do you play basketball
  5. Are you fast
  6. Have you ever been on any basketball team(doesn't have to be the NBA)
  7. If you answered yes on the last question were you the best on the team
  8. How is your defense
  9. Can you block/steal
  10. Lets go back to teamplay has your team ever won a title
  11. How often do you practice

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