Am I a true Narnia fan

My quiz will tell you if you are a true Narnia fan! I hope you researched Narnia. At least try my Quiz. Hope you have a great time! Welcome to Narnia!!!

This quiz is going to have a few questions about the magician’s nephew, the last battle and the actors of the pevensies and 1 question about the voyage of the dawn treader. Thank you!!! Are you a true Narnia fan?

Created by: Elsa Q Friedman
  1. Did CS.lewis write the magician’s nephew before the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe
  2. What is the names of the 7 friends of Narnia
  3. Who was the last king of Narnia
  4. How many Narnia books are there
  5. Did the Pevensies die in the last battle
  6. How old was Lucy when she died
  7. What killed the 7 friends of Narnia
  8. How old was Georgie Henley when she was Lucy in the in Prince Caspian
  9. How old William Moseley right now
  10. Who is the grumpy one (at first) in the voyage of the dawn treader

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