am i a retarted

are you retarted? lets find out with my new quiz that tests your knowelege on many different occasions if you cant understand what im doing now then your retarted

can you ever wonder why people are so retarted. well thanks to this we get to find out if your a stupid retard so have your best shot at it and try not to be to mental about it.

Created by: damien

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how are your grades in math
  2. have you ever had sex
  3. whats your favorite type of music
  4. are you homosexual
  5. whats your favorite color
  6. can you do a kip up
  7. what kind of fighting do you do
  8. what do you do when bored
  9. are you fat
  10. do you think you passed

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