Am i a hobo quiz

The am i a hobo quiz is specially desighned to determine if you are a hobo or just a regular person it also detremines what percent of you is hobo. Taking this quiz will let you know who you may really be.

You can also have friends take this quiz to tell iif they are homeless or not. if they are homless please ask them for advice that I can update the questions.

Created by: Zach
  1. If you had pick one thing what would it be ?
  2. Where do you hang out the most
  3. Where would you sleep in the park
  4. what is the best hobo item
  5. How old are you
  6. am i a hobo
  7. How much money dou you get from begging
  8. Can you read
  9. what type of hobo are you
  10. Dop you like bieng a hobo

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