Am i a hoarder???

there are so many hoarders out there but have you ever wondered if you were one? what is a hoarder? a hoarder is someone who spurges on every little thing. most of it is unessary to even think about buying. in a way everyone who is a hoarder can fix that.

soo are you a hoader let's see in a couple of moments you can find out what a hoared is and what they do and find out if you are a hoarder or not. come on let's find out!

Created by: lonerwolf of Am i a hoarder???
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How much stuff do you have laying around?
  2. Do you have walkways through your house?
  3. Do you buy things that you already have?
  4. Do you think your a hoarder?
  5. Are disaponted about your house ?
  6. Do people who come to your house tell you to stop buying things?
  7. do you have yard sales
  8. How much do you go shopping
  9. do people think your a hoarder?
  10. last question do you think you have more stuff than an average person

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