am i a future celeb

there are many people in this world, but not all will ever be famous. a celeb is something some people could only dream of and others not so it really what they want though?

are you a future celeb, are you fancy enough and perfect enough, thanks to this quiz, in only a few minutes, you will find out. are you ready, the quiz is?

Created by: mia
  1. do you have a celebrity crush?
  2. what are your main talents?
  3. what is your dream job?
  4. who is your favourite?
  5. you walk into school and everyone stares at you. what do you do?
  6. you walk into school and everyone stares at you. what do you do?
  7. you are invited to the coolest kids party. you think..
  8. what is your room full of...
  9. almost done...
  10. last question. do you want to be a celeb?

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