Am I a fairy or a human?

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Fairies are very magical nature and animal-friended creatures. Find out if your one by doing this test!!!Have a great day please everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please keep in mind that you don´t have to turn out a fairy to be happy in life!!!! You just need some stuff that you love to be happy!!! So keep in mind: Fairy or no fairy, being a fairy is not what has to make you happy in life.

Created by: Sara
  1. What is your favorite place?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What kind of music do you like?
  4. Do you recognise a Fairy hunter once you see one?
  5. What is your favorite element?
  6. What´s your favorite mythical creature?
  7. What´s your favorite animal?
  8. What do you think when you hear the word:¨fairy¨?
  9. Do you believe in Fairies?
  10. Do you believe in magic?
  11. Do you think you are a fairy or not?

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