Am I a Dumbo? Quiz

Take this quiz and take it well or I will blast you up to hell! Sucker! Just take the quiz calibunga father fudgers!!! Uhhhuhuhuhhhuh.

Hey monkey what wrong with your cat??? Oh yer everything!!! Haha you suck clibunga ladies!!! Escape!!! 110101000101001010 dudio in the studio!!!

Created by: sydney
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Name a famous scientist.
  2. Are you gay?(this has no effect)?
  3. Do you like justing Bieber?
  4. Click out of order.
  5. What's the answer to this question?
  6. Hoopla!!!
  7. Does thid question count?
  8. Are you blonde?
  9. Ughhhhh
  10. I'm ugly
  11. This is your final question. Be the best you can be.

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