Am I a Barbie 👧

This is a quiz only for girls. All girls really love Barbie.. I know as I am a girl 👧 too... To test whether they are Barbie are not.. I have made this quiz. Hope you like 👍 it!

You might be a Barbie girl 👧 but don't know whether you are a Barbie or not. Now.. Don't worry 😊. This quiz may help you. If you have scored well, congrats 😤! If you have scored bad.. No problem, take it light, anywhere.. It's just a quiz!😉

Created by: Princess
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What is your hair colour?
  3. Do you wear makeup?
  4. Do you like me?
  5. Are you
  6. Do you love nature, animals and plants?
  7. You are
  8. What is your favourite character in Barbie?
  9. Hi
  10. Finally, do you like this quiz!
  11. What do you love to do?

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