Alliance or Horde?

World of War craft is a very popular game created by Blizzard Entertainment. This quiz is created to take for fun, or if you're Pandaren and can't decide. If you don't know your house, just take someone else's quiz.

Please answer truthfully. I do not own World of War craft or Harry Potter (There is a house question...) Don't get mad if you don't like your result because a lot of the questions are pointless.

Created by: Slytherclaw21
  1. Ummm... HI?
  2. How are you?
  3. Fave color? *hides behind rock...*
  4. :)
  5. Wow, we're halfway through...
  6. Fave HP house?
  7. ...
  8. Do you think any alliance said 1...
  9. Any Horde say 1 on 9?
  10. Bye!
  11. *BONUS*

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