All About The Month of May

Have you ever wondered what the month of May is all about? Well I have developed a nice little quiz to help you out. See how many random facts you know about May.

Team Fretwell hopes you enjoy this quiz about the month of May. A lot of hard work was put into it. Oh who are we kidding, we used Google to find this info. Ha!

Created by: Tammie Redmond
  1. What is the birthstone for the Month of May?
  2. The official flower of the month of May is:
  3. Which Greek Goddess was the month of May named for?
  4. What are the zodiac signs for people born in the month of May?
  5. The month of May is devoted to the Pope in the Catholic Church.
  6. Which of these famous events DID NOT happen during the month of May?
  7. Which of these is NOT a food holiday in May?
  8. The month of May is considered the luckiest month to get married in.
  9. Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of:
  10. May has always been the fifth month:

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