All About Jenna

How well do you really know Jenna? A lot of people think they actually KNOW someone. But it isn't until they are put to the test that they actually find out....are u up for the challenge?

If you think you are go ahead and take the quiz. The results will be posted at the end. A e-mail will be sent to Jenna with your results. So do your best. Maybe you will make a good impression. Good Luck!

Created by: Jenna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my favorite color
  2. Where is my favorite place to be?
  3. What is my favorite animal?
  4. What is m y favorite coffe at Starbucks?
  5. whats My Favorite Sport?
  6. What is m y favorite Perfume?
  7. What do I Like Most?
  8. Whats my favorite flower?
  9. Which place would you most likely find me playing?
  10. Whats my Favorite Disney Character?
  11. Last question.... what is THE most inmportant thing to me in a relationship?

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