All about horses quiz!

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If you knew little about the horse world,Why did you take this quiz? You hate horses!!?? Why, then did you take this quiz? Maybe to learn, or to just be doing something! But its just for fun.

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Created by: Anna
  1. What is an adult female horse called, what is an adult male?(not "fixed".
  2. Should you "fix you mare?"
  3. What is a fixed male horse called.
  4. When a horse starts eating solid feed, what is it called?
  5. What is a baby horse, under a year called?
  6. When a horse starts eating solid feed, what do you call it?
  7. Name four parts of the horse.
  8. What is a baby horse over a year called?
  9. What is 1 of the most sensitive parts on a horse.
  10. What is the saddle used for events like roping, reining, usually trail called.
  11. What is the saddle used for dressage, Jumping called?
  12. Do you have your own horse?

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