All about Amanda

I was bored and wanted to see how many of my friends really know me. Im sure that some of you know me very well but then again some of you may here is your chance to prove it.

If you dont know me that well but wanted to take the quiz to see just how well u kind of know me then take a stab at it and if you dont do good then oh well.

Created by: Amanda

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How old am I
  2. When is my birthday?
  3. What is my pishies name? (fish's)
  4. How many people do i have in my contact list on my cell?
  5. How many sibblings do i have?
  6. Who is my favorite band at the moment?
  7. What is my favorite instand food?
  8. What are some of my hobbies?
  9. What are some of my favorite TV shows?
  10. What Tv shows do i watch religiously on Sunday nights?

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